Finally, Electroplates are here, and here are the details.
10 x Levels of Electroplate Armor
Each level has a Left and Right version
Complex shapes for the more experienced Robocrafter to figure out how to build with
Electroplates have 2 ‘Healths’
エレクトロプレートは 2「ヘルス」を持つ
Electroplates health recovers if you can avoid taking damage for 15 seconds
An alarm will sound when your shield is down
A single Electroplate will take the full force of a Plasma shell of the same level
Electroplate shields prevent Plasma and Rail damage from passing through to the Chassis
Electroplates have very high CPU (equal to 2x SMG of same level) and high Robot Ranking
Premium membership gives ‘Early Access’ to these new cubes TODAY!
All other users get access to the Electroplates on Saturday 26th July
In the meantime, EVERYBODY can use this promo code to get FREE Tier1 Electroplates
Each Tier now has a ‘Max CPU’, if you build a Robot too large for that Tier, it will push up to the next Tier regardless of what Robot Rank the cubes are on your Robot
各 Tier 毎に「MAX CPU(最大のCPU)」を持つようになった。もしロボットを作って、それがそのTierで大きすぎた場合、ロボットは次の Tier へ押し出される。君のロボットのキューブがどの様なロボットランクであるかにかかわらず。
Chinese flag added in Cosmetics cubes
Pause \ Quit menu added to Practice and Spectator Modes
プラクティスとスペクテーターモードに Pause \ Quit のメニューを追加
Hover Blades no longer flip you upside down when you enter Practice Mode
Helium Tanks now render properly, they were sometimes invisible
You can now scroll to see all friends in the list when you have a lot of friends
Enemies are now colored red again
Vapour Trails no longer glitch across the screen when you spawn in a multiplayer match
Vapour Trail はマルチプレイヤーマッチでスポーンした時にスクリーンを横切っても故障しなくなった。
Tier Gauge now resizes properly when you switch resolution
Tier の規格が適切に上昇するようになった。
Today’s launch contains a new Bonus Engine. This comes in response to lots of user feedback on the forums and throughout the community.
The goals of the new system are:
To reward players who are skillful at making advanced battle Robots and skillful at piloting them in combat
To ensure a reward for everyone who participates in battle, who gets stuck in, who fights
To ensure that gaining Victory is worthwhile
To reduce the frequency of receiving a net loss in T5-10 i.e. when RP total is less than robot repair cost
ロボットのリペアコストよりRPが少なくなる時など T5 から T10 で頻繁に損失が出るのを減らす事
To ensure that when you do receive a net loss, it is much less than previously, and to reduce repair costs in general
To discourage exploitative play styles and less fun emergent game-play such as ‘AFK’ing’, ‘Gun-chairing’, ‘Up-Tiering’, ‘Hiding’ and ‘Base Racing (without fighting at all)
「AFK」、「ガンチェア」「Up-Tiering(床においてTierを高く見せるなど)」「Hiding(隠れたまま出てこない)」「Base Racing(戦闘を全くしないで)」のような搾取的なプレイスタイル思いとどまらせる事。(勝手な注釈:Base Racing はベースへ直行しすぐに試合を終わらせ時間当たりの儲けを最大化する)
To ensure the game continues to remain an increasing challenge at higher Tier, but also reducing how ‘hardcore’ this is
高 Tier になってもチャレンジが増加し継続して残り続けるが、ハードコア過ぎるところは減らす
To reduce the delta between a massive win and a massive loss, so your average income is more ‘steady’
In the interests of full transparency we have published full details of the new algorithm hereELECTROPLATES UPDATE! This release does not includes Electroplates. We are sorry for the delay on this, Aldo is working as fast as he can to bring this to you. I know we suck at estimating when new stuff gets launched, and we get too excited and tell you about it before it’s ready, but it is top priority, it is nearly ready, and we will launch it the very second that Aldo is done and it’s all tested and balanced. .
We have increased the power of Robo-Cloud
Today we’ve had 10,000 concurrent players fighting at the same time, a new record for Robocraft
The Robocraft webserver has been upgraded to allow more users and faster speeds (this is currently scaling so expect slowness initially)
Sadly the premium sale ends today but we have kept the prices lower than they were previously due to the good reception we’ve had to the sale.
It’s been a long time coming, with our amazing community of Robocrafters helping us through Green Light in record time we’ve finally pushed over the line and the game is now available to all the many worldwide users on Steam via the Early Access and Free To Play categories.
Green Light(Steam にあるアレ) を通して私たちを助けてくれている素晴らしいロボクラフターのコミュニティで長い間待望されていたが、ついに全てのワールドワイドなユーザーが Steam 上のアーリーアクセスとF2Pカテゴリーにおいて、ゲームを利用する事ができるようになった。
Existing users can install and launch from Steam and then login using your existing username and password to play via Steam, use Steam features (such as F12 screenshot) and Steam Wallet etc. and with the Robocraft leagues launching with the next major feature update we’ll move to integrate them into the Steam network shortly afterwards so you scores will appear on Steam also.
既存のユーザーはSteamからインストールして起動し、それから既にあるユーザーネームとパスワードでログインし Steam 経由で遊ぶ事ができる。Steam の機能(F12でスクリーンショットを取るような)とSteam Wallet なども使うことが出来る。それと、ロボクラフトリーグの立ち上げ、次の主要なアップデート、そのちょっと後で、私たちはそれを Steam のネットワークに統一するために動く予定。なので、君のスコアもまたSteam上で表示されるようになるよ。
With Electroplates and Robocraft Leagues coming with the next major launch early next week, things are really hotting up in Robocraft
ROBOCRAFT | Robocraft Launches on Steam Early Access TODAY!!!
Thanks to the Robocraft community for the amazing feedback. The Repair\Damage system changes were big changes, so thank you for taking them so well, and thanks so many of you the constructive and detailed feedback.
In response to some of the feedback we’ve made a bunch of changes in today’s release aimed at making the game combat fairer.
Self Destruct
Quitting battle will result in a self-destruct that will damage 50% of your Robot. This is designed to discourage users who quit when enemies are approaching, which many have been frustrated by
Self-destruct will still award the full Bravery Bonus as long as you have been in battle for more than 2.5 minutes, so at T1-4 you will always be able to afford the repair of your Robot
Bonuses Changes
Victory Bonus increased by 20%, Bravery Bonus decreased by less than 10%, increasing the reward for Victory vs. Defeat
Base Capture bonus decreased, Base Defence bonus massively increased
Average earnings overall increased
We will post tables showing the changes in the release notes and on the forums for discussion
Tiering Up
This has been an exploit for a while, users putting extra cubes on the floor, but not connected to the Robot, in order to increase their Tier
Now, any cubes not connected to your Pilot Seat will be returned to your inventory before battle and the Tier recalculated, you will be warned if this happens and can cancel in case it is not intentional
今は、パイロットシートに接続されていないキューブは戦闘の前にインベントリーへ戻され Tier は再計算される。もしこれが起きると警告され、故意でない場合にはキャンセルする事ができる
Gunbed Changes
Please note, we do not expect these changes to ‘fix’ gunbeds, but we do expect them to make gunbed related design choices more challenging
CPU of weapons now increases at 2 points per Tier, so at T10 1 x weapon = 30 Chassis cubes, this is designed to reduce the number of guns on Robots
武器のCPUは Tier 毎に2ポイント増加、それにより T10 1 x weapon = 30 Chassis cubes(T10 の武器1個は30個のブロックとCPUが同じ)、これはロボット上の銃の数を減らす為にデザインされた
CPU of Wheels has been increased to match that of Hover Blades
ホイールの CPU はホバーブレードにあわせるために増加した
Wheels will now travel at 50% speed when over encumbered (as opposed to 75% speed before), so large flatbeds of guns will move more slowly and will need to reduce weight, or add more wheels to maintain maximum velocity
ホイールの動きが邪魔された時には移動速度が 50% になる(以前は 75% のスピードになった)、これにより大きなガンベットはより遅く移動するようになり重量を減らすか最大速度を維持する為により多くのホイールを追加する必要がある
Robot Ranking was increased to match the increases in CPU
CPU を増加させるために必要なロボットランクが増えた
Please note: Changes to your Robot will not save until you reduce the Robot to below the MaxCPU limit
There will be a grace period of 1 week where Robots that are now over CPU limit can still enter battle so that there is time to modify the Robots to fit within limits
SMG changes
SMG accuracy was bugged, so users were getting full 100% accuracy by tapping, this bug has been fixed so accuracy now degrades properly – meaning SMG will be less accurate overall
SMG の精度はバグっていたので、ユーザーはタッピングする事で 100% の精度を得ることが出来ていた、このバグが修正されたので今は適切な精度になった – これは SMG が全体に精度が落ちた事を意味する
SMG Damage at longer range has been increased and is now 75% of full damage, with the accuracy loss at long range also lowering the overall DPS to less than 30% on average
SMG のダメージは遠距離では増加し、今は75%のダメージになった。遠距離では精度が低いので全体の DPS は平均で30%下がった
Other Changes
Fixed a bug that meant that if you had Auto-Repair ticked you paid 2x repair costs
Fixed a bug which caused users to sometimes get the wrong Tier rewards at the end of battle
戦闘の終わりに Tier 報酬が時々間違っていたバグの修正
Pushing ESC in Spectator mode or in Practice mode will put to back in mothership, without a confirmation dialogue, which saves a mouse click
スペクテイターモード中やプラクティスモード中に ESC キーを押すと、ダイアログの確認なしでマザーシップ(ガレージ)に戻れるように
Steam code added, ready for Early Access launch review by Valve
Valveによるアーリーアクセスのローンチレビューの準備の為に、Steam コードの追加
Sell Robot button is now greyed out if your bay is empty (would have caused a crash before)
もしガレージが空ならば、「Sell Robot」ボタンは灰色表示に(これは以前にクラッシュの原因になった)
Selling a robot with Cosmetic cubes on will not sell the Cosmetic cubes and will instead return them to your inventory
Cosmetic キューブの付いたロボットの売却で、Cosmetic キューブが売却されないように、そして代わりに Cosmetic キューブがインベントリーに戻るように
We have optimized the servers at Amazon, so we have increased the number of Robots in battle, at all Tiers
Amazon のサーバーの最適化、それにより全ての Tier で戦闘中のロボットの数が増加した
Hover Blade hover height increased, especially for high tier
ホバーブレードは、ホバーできる高さが高くなった、特に高 Tier では
Hover Blade armor buffed by 50%
ホバーブレードのアーマーを 50% 強化
Overall repair costs reduced for everyone
Repair costs are now based off % of Robot destroyed, so all Robot sizes are treated equally
Bravery system improved to provide a safety net for high repair costs
Users now must repair their robot before entering battle – you cannot enter battle with a phantom robot
ユーザーは出撃する前に、それぞれのロボットを修理しなければいけない – ファントム(ダメージを受けた亡霊のような)ロボットで戦闘に入る事はできない。
Bravery Explained
The Bravery bonus is awarded if your team loses or if you die and ensures that as long you participate in battle you will earn some RP
Getting Victory, Kills, Damage, Protection, Assists, Base Caps and Defense will always earn you more RP than Bravery alone, it’s best to think of the Bravery bonus as a “safety net”
At Tiers 1-4, the Bravery bonus is always greater than the most expensive repair you can receive which ensures you can always pay for your repair
Tier 1から4では、ブレイブリーボーナスは常に修理コストより多く受け取る事ができる。
At higher Tiers a worst case battle – i.e. getting killed and doing nothing in battle – can give you repair costs that exceed the Bravery bonus so you can get loses
高 Tier では最悪のケース(例:キルされて戦闘では何もしなかった)の場合、ブレイブリーボーナスを超える修理コストになるので、赤字になることもある
The balance is set so that by playing well you will always on average earn more RP at a higher Tier if you average your net earnings over a number of battles
収支は君が良いプレ-をしたかによって決まり、もしブレイブリーボーナスの稼ぎを戦闘の回数で平均すれば、良いプレーをすることで平均では常に高 Tier でも RP を稼げる。
The removal of the Bravery as a safety net at high tier is designed to make the game more challenging and more engaging (since you need to concentrate more to succeed) as you progress to high Tier, it is also designed to ensure that Premium becomes more and more value for money at higher Tiers
Premium プレミアム
Freejam would like everyone reaching high Tier to consider buying Premium. Buying Premium helps to support Robocraft and ensures we can keep bringing you new features and content at an increasingly fast pace
Freejam は高 Tier に到達したみんなに、プレミアムを購入する事を考慮して欲しいと思ってる。プレミアムを購入する事はロボクラフトを支援する助けになるし、僕たちが新しいモノやコンテンツを君たちに素早く提供し続ける事が出来る保証になる。
We’ve made sure that Premium is fantastic value for money too
Premium in Robocraft is now reduced to just 4500 GC for 1 month
ロボクラフトでのプレミアムは1ヶ月たったの 4500 GC に値下げした
Premium can ensure you progress quickly and do not need to worry about repair costs
Premium becomes more valuable the higher Tier you get too
プレミアムは高 Tier になるほどより価値を持つようになる
Below shows an illustration of how fantastic value for money Premium is, and remember, when you buy premium you are supporting Robocraft
Playing for Free 無課金でのプレー
Freejam will never force you to pay, i.e. We will never force Pay2Play
Freejam はけして君に支払いを強制はしないつもりだ。つまり、僕らは Pay2Play(勝手に注釈:プレーするために支払う課金スタイル)をけして強制しない
Freejam will never endorse Pay2Win, paying will never ensure winning, there will always be a Robot that is bigger and badder than yours, only skill and Robocrafting ability can guarantee winning in Robocraft, and no money can buy that
Freejam は Pay2Win (課金した奴が勝つというゲームのスタイル)をけして支持しないし、支払いは必ずしも勝利を保証しない。そこには常に君より大きなロボットや出来の悪いロボットがあるだけ、ロボクラフトにおいてはスキルとロボクラフティング能力だけが勝利を保証する事ができる。そしてお金ではそれを買うことができない
Whilst the Bravery bonus ensures that you cannot ever get a repair that is higher that you earn at T1-4, at T5-10 it is possible to lose money if you get a very bad battle
In order to reach the highest echelons of the game without the benefits that Premium provides, we recommend users retain a lower Tier Robot in their garage to ensure you always have a backup to fund the repairs of the higher Tier robots you are trying to build
プレミアムの恩恵なしに、ゲームの一番高い Tier に到達するためには、低 Tier のロボットをガレージに保持する事をお勧めする。いつでも高 Tier のロボットの修理費をバックアップする資金を保証できるので。
Other Changes
Light Chassis Cubes, L1 Front mount SMG’s, L1 Wheels AND Pilot Seats are now all FREE!
Prices of cubes have been re-balanced to match the new rate of earning RP
Cube sale values increased, you can now sell cubes back to the Depot at 50% of their original value
キューブの販売価格が増加し、元の値段の 50% でキューブを Depot に売る事が出来るようになった
New ‘Sell Robot’ button, which allows you to sell an entire Robot back to the Depot at 50% of it’s full RP purchase cost, damaged or otherwise
新しい「Sell Robot」(ロボットの売却)ボタン。これは購入時のコストの 50% でロボットを丸ごと Depot に売却する事ができる
Galaxy Cash repair button re-added as some users requested this, but we have ensured that the GC repair costs are very low, even at the highest Tier
一部のユーザーのリクエストがあったので、ギャラクシーキャッシュ(GC)の修理ボタンが再び追加された。ただし、私たちは GC での修理コストが高 Tier においてさえも非常に低いと保証する
Do you live in constant fear of your team mates abandoning you for dust on the battlefield? Does the thought of spending your entire match blasting a cruel foe only to have some team mate steal your Kill plague your every waking thought? Does the fear of frosted precipitation fill you with introspective dread and woeful insecurity?
If you have answered ‘yes’ or even ‘no’ to any of these questions, then Freejam Technologies has the answer to all your problems with this new uber tight update
その質問の君の答えが「イエス」でも「ノー」でも、Freejam のテクノロジーは、この新しいクールでタイトなアップデートで、全ての問題に対して答えていく。
MAJOR UPDATE: New Repair System, New Ice Map, New Bonuses – a new Challenge!
主なアップデート:新しいリペア(修理)システム、新しいアイスマップ、新しいボーナス – 新しいチャレンジ!
This is a major update, some major major changes in this one. Here’s the details:
2nd Ice Map added, our best map yet
Lots of vertical gameplay and a HUGE central mountain
A tunnel is carved through the mountain side, can you fly through it?
A treacherous Ice river, lies in wait
It’s now also ‘snowing’ on all Ice Maps
Someone steal your kill? Don’t worry, now you get the Assist
Someone shoot your teammate? Well retaliate on their behalf and get a Protection bonus
An enemy near your base? Damage them for an extra ‘defence’ bonus
スカウト(偵察): Be the first to pick up an enemy on your Enemy Radar, and get a ‘Scout’ bonus
Until now, only time and grinding stood in your way of T10, this ends today!
Now, you must play well to get to T10. There is no place in T10 for poor players. Only the Elite can exist at the top
今からは、君がT10になる為には良いプレイをしなければいけない。みじめなプレイヤーのための場所は T10 にはない。エリートだけがトップに存在する事ができるのだ
If you play well, if you are a class Robocrafter, you will be RP Rich, beyond your wildest dreams
君が上手くプレーし、ロボクラフターに値するなら、君の想像を超えて RP を沢山稼げるようになる
You can now earn up to 100,000 RP in a single battle at T10, RP costs of cubes have been adjusted across all Tiers to compensate
今や T10 では1回の戦闘で、100,000 RP まで稼ぐことができ、その代わりキューブのRPコストは全ての Tier にわたって調整された
We’re not just flooding the game with RP though, oh no, we are setting a challenge, and this challenge comes via the new repair system
ただし、私たちはゲーム内に RP を溢れさせないつもりだ。チャレンジを設定し、そしてこのチャレンジ新しいリペア(修理)システム経由でもたらされる
新しいダメージシステム – 新しいリペア(修理)システム
Any cubes that are partially damaged but not destroyed in battle will turn black, and lose their reflectiveness
This is the first time you can see how your Robot is taking damage in the field
On return to the Mothership you will see all damaged cubes
Entering the next battle with a damaged Robot is possible; your entire Robot will be present but any destroyed cubes will enter battle with an armor of 1, and any partially damaged cubes will enter battle with the armor they had remaining
You cannot edit a damaged Robot, you must repair first to modify
Push [R] to repair, then click on the ‘Repair’ button to restore your Robot to full health, or select ‘auto-repair’ so that it happens automatically getting you back into battle faster
Repairing will cost you RP only, we have removed the option to pay for repairs using Galaxy Cash
修理のコストは RP のみ、支払いにギャラクシーキャッシュを使った修理のオプションは削除した
The repair will depend on how much damage you have taken in battle, avoid getting killed and you will have no repair
Gain a massive RP haul by damaging, scouting, protecting and defending and avoid taking big damage and you will win big
ダメージを与える、偵察する、守備をする、味方を守る、そして大きなダメージを与えて、大勝する事で、大量の RP が手に入る。
But, with big wins can come big losses. Repair costs at low Tier are very low, it’s easy down at T1, but at T10 it’s much tougher, repair costs can be high, you can lose money as well as earn it, only the best players will make it to this level, if you are in T10, you are an Elite Robocrafter
しかし、大勝しやすいが、同時に大敗もしやすい。低 Tier での修理コストは非常に少なくT1では簡単に下がる。しかし T10 ではより大変になりリペアコストは高く、稼ぐのと同様にお金を失いやすい。もし君が T10 でエリートロボクラフターならば、このレベルではベストなプレイヤーのみが、稼ぐことが出来る。
Since this is such a huge change, all existing users will get a 3 month window of reduced repairs