「Self Destruct」タグアーカイブ


Self Destruct Update


Thanks to the Robocraft community for the amazing feedback. The Repair\Damage system changes were big changes, so thank you for taking them so well, and thanks so many of you the constructive and detailed feedback.


In response to some of the feedback we’ve made a bunch of changes in today’s release aimed at making the game combat fairer.

Self Destruct

  • Quitting battle will result in a self-destruct that will damage 50% of your Robot. This is designed to discourage users who quit when enemies are approaching, which many have been frustrated by
  • Self-destruct will still award the full Bravery Bonus as long as you have been in battle for more than 2.5 minutes, so at T1-4 you will always be able to afford the repair of your Robot

Bonuses Changes

  • Victory Bonus increased by 20%, Bravery Bonus decreased by less than 10%, increasing the reward for Victory vs. Defeat
  • Base Capture bonus decreased, Base Defence bonus massively increased
  • Average earnings overall increased
  • We will post tables showing the changes in the release notes and on the forums for discussion

Tiering Up

  • This has been an exploit for a while, users putting extra cubes on the floor, but not connected to the Robot, in order to increase their Tier
  • Now, any cubes not connected to your Pilot Seat will be returned to your inventory before battle and the Tier recalculated, you will be warned if this happens and can cancel in case it is not intentional
    今は、パイロットシートに接続されていないキューブは戦闘の前にインベントリーへ戻され Tier は再計算される。もしこれが起きると警告され、故意でない場合にはキャンセルする事ができる

Gunbed Changes

    • Please note, we do not expect these changes to ‘fix’ gunbeds, but we do expect them to make gunbed related design choices more challenging
    • CPU of weapons now increases at 2 points per Tier, so at T10 1 x weapon = 30 Chassis cubes, this is designed to reduce the number of guns on Robots
      武器のCPUは Tier 毎に2ポイント増加、それにより T10 1 x weapon = 30 Chassis cubes(T10 の武器1個は30個のブロックとCPUが同じ)、これはロボット上の銃の数を減らす為にデザインされた
    • CPU of Wheels has been increased to match that of Hover Blades
      ホイールの CPU はホバーブレードにあわせるために増加した
    • Wheels will now travel at 50% speed when over encumbered (as opposed to 75% speed before), so large flatbeds of guns will move more slowly and will need to reduce weight, or add more wheels to maintain maximum velocity
      ホイールの動きが邪魔された時には移動速度が 50% になる(以前は 75% のスピードになった)、これにより大きなガンベットはより遅く移動するようになり重量を減らすか最大速度を維持する為により多くのホイールを追加する必要がある
    • Robot Ranking was increased to match the increases in CPU
      CPU を増加させるために必要なロボットランクが増えた
  • Please note: Changes to your Robot will not save until you reduce the Robot to below the MaxCPU limit
  • There will be a grace period of 1 week where Robots that are now over CPU limit can still enter battle so that there is time to modify the Robots to fit within limits

SMG changes

  • SMG accuracy was bugged, so users were getting full 100% accuracy by tapping, this bug has been fixed so accuracy now degrades properly – meaning SMG will be less accurate overall
    SMG の精度はバグっていたので、ユーザーはタッピングする事で 100% の精度を得ることが出来ていた、このバグが修正されたので今は適切な精度になった – これは SMG が全体に精度が落ちた事を意味する
  • SMG Damage at longer range has been increased and is now 75% of full damage, with the accuracy loss at long range also lowering the overall DPS to less than 30% on average
    SMG のダメージは遠距離では増加し、今は75%のダメージになった。遠距離では精度が低いので全体の DPS は平均で30%下がった

Other Changes

  • Fixed a bug that meant that if you had Auto-Repair ticked you paid 2x repair costs
  • Fixed a bug which caused users to sometimes get the wrong Tier rewards at the end of battle
    戦闘の終わりに Tier 報酬が時々間違っていたバグの修正
  • Pushing ESC in Spectator mode or in Practice mode will put to back in mothership, without a confirmation dialogue, which saves a mouse click
    スペクテイターモード中やプラクティスモード中に ESC キーを押すと、ダイアログの確認なしでマザーシップ(ガレージ)に戻れるように
  • Steam code added, ready for Early Access launch review by Valve
    Valveによるアーリーアクセスのローンチレビューの準備の為に、Steam コードの追加
  • Sell Robot button is now greyed out if your bay is empty (would have caused a crash before)
    もしガレージが空ならば、「Sell Robot」ボタンは灰色表示に(これは以前にクラッシュの原因になった)
  • Selling a robot with Cosmetic cubes on will not sell the Cosmetic cubes and will instead return them to your inventory
    Cosmetic キューブの付いたロボットの売却で、Cosmetic キューブが売却されないように、そして代わりに Cosmetic キューブがインベントリーに戻るように
  • We have optimized the servers at Amazon, so we have increased the number of Robots in battle, at all Tiers
    Amazon のサーバーの最適化、それにより全ての Tier で戦闘中のロボットの数が増加した
  • Hover Blade hover height increased, especially for high tier
    ホバーブレードは、ホバーできる高さが高くなった、特に高 Tier では
  • Hover Blade armor buffed by 50%
    ホバーブレードのアーマーを 50% 強化
ROBOCRAFT | Self Destruct Update

