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アップデートを覗き見 – アイスマップ2

Sneaky Peak – Ice Map 2

アップデートを覗き見 – アイスマップ2

As the Robocraft empire expands exponentially we find the frontiers of battle spreading further across the galaxy, Freejam industries has designated Sector 2 on the frosted Earth Dwarf GJ 1214b open to all bids, if your team can hold it for long enough. so battle up your most fiendishly powerful Robo-Beasts, adorn something toasty warm and GO TAKE IT, ITS YOURS !

ロボクラフト帝国は急速に拡大しており、我々は銀河を超えた遥か彼方に戦闘のフロンティアを見つけた。氷の惑星ドワーフ GJ1214b のセクター2 の全ての入札で「Freejam インダストリー」が任命された。もし君たちのチームが十分な時間そこを維持する事ができならばだが・・・。君たちの悪魔のように強力なロボビーストの戦いの時だ、暖かい何かを装備する準備をし、ここを手に入れろ、それは君のものだ!


Planet: GJ 1214b
Sector: 02


  • A huge glacial mountain just off center provides a definitive barrier for ground Robots, you must navigate around it.
  • A windy multi routed mountain pass provides a lovely vantage point and moments of direct line of sight to the expanse below, its a great place for a drive and a ploughman’s sandwich.
  • As the glacial began to melt before the big freeze it has left a strange raised bowled mound in the center of the map, this is fun for little head to head bish bashing, just mind the snipers up on the mountain pass.
  • Oh there is plenty of ice on this little beast by way of a frozen river that winds and twists through the level, perfect for hover Robots
  • Everyone loves a tunnel, in sector 02 we have a true tunnel completely enclosed though a mountain and a open style tunnel constructed from rock formations, a lovely vantage point to take down some pesky flyers.
  • more images later…

    ROBOCRAFT | Sneaky Peak – Ice Map 2