We here at Freejam are proud to officially announce our newest member, Aldo!!. Aldo is the new addition to our programming team, now 5 strong. Lets hope this gives them the people they need to keep producing cool content for you guys!!
Please give him a warm welcome guys, I know he would appreciate it!!
Its time for all you stealth ninjas to come out of the shadows, your sneaky powers have no meaning here!!
Today is the release of the new Radar and Jammer cubes. These will be restricted to premium users for 3 days. If you want to know how long you have to wait, check out these cubes in the cube depot. There’s a timer displayed on the cubes that counts down the time remaining until they are released to everyone!!
今日は新しいレーダーとジャマーキューブをリリースする。プレミアムユーザー向けに3日間の制限をするつもりだ。もし、君がどのくらい待たなければいけないのか知りたいなら、これらのキューブを(ゲーム内の)「cube depot」でチェックしてみて。キューブの所にタイマーが表示されて、全てのユーザーにリリースされるまでの時間がカウントダウンされている。
Here is some useful information about both cubes:
Radar receiver:
Allows you to receive the signal from the Enemy radars of your team mates.
So if an ally steams into battle on the front line, the enemies his radar picks up will appear on your HUD map.
5x Levels available, so L1-5
Higher Powered receivers have a greater range.
The range is the distance between you and an ally to pick up their Radar signal.
If your Allies radar is shot off, the enemies will disappear from your map.
Radar Jammer:
Will “jam” the signal of your enemies Radar.
Jamming effectively makes you disappear from your enemies radar intermittently.
5x Levels of Jammer with increasing Jamming Power.
More jamming power means you are invisible for longer and only appear on the enemies map for short periods of time.
More jammers on your Robot also stack up to give you more jamming power.
Higher level Enemy Radar need higher level Jammers to disrupt their signal.
The Japanese have been at it again! Crafting creative, fantastic and odd robo creations! (no doubt you’ve seen many in battle…)
With over 100 entrants, it was no easy task selecting the winners and runner-ups!
@aceo_ ‘s Kerbal Space Program character –
What did we like?
Simply put, it looks identical to one of the poor little buggers.
It also has a sort of “Am I going to die?” look to it’s face…
好きな理由 :
@aceo_ Web
@DassouMisuteru ‘s Pokemon character –
What did we like?
Both the hair and the cloak look animated, which is amazing considering what they created them in!
Furthermore the legs and arms being at an angle demonstrated a considerable amount of effort.
好きな理由 :
@maigohiyokorobo ‘s Metroid character –
What did we like?
The action pose looks awesome!
Then the visual effect he had coming out of her weapon using the glass blocks is fantastic!
好きな理由 :
As a fantastic new benefit to Premium users we are offering 1 week ‘Early Access’ to all new cubes prior to their full release. We hope that by offering this exclusive benefit that more of you will become premium users and help support the development of Robocraft.
This new Premium benefit will start with the Radar Jammer and Radar Receiver cubes which are planned for release Tuesday next week.
Don’t worry though, if you don’t intend to buy Premium just yet, all cubes will become available to all users just one week after the premium launch.
No more hiding in the skies, behind rocks or your mums skirts, the new Jammer and Receiver are coming soon!! We also have a new Jammer working at Freejam, so give him hell!
Both radar Jammer and Radar Receiver will be released next week. if all goes to plan that will be on Tuesday afternoon UK time. Don’t worry, Ed and Ric are still hard at work on the Rail Cannon which we will aim to release the following week.
Radar Receiver:
Allows you to receive the signal from the Enemy Radars of your team mates.
So if an ally steams into battle on the front line, the enemies his radar picks up will appear on your HUD map
だから、もし味方が前線で戦闘中で、味方のレーダーが敵を見つけたら君の HUD マップにも表示される
5x Levels available, L1-5
Higher Powered receivers have a greater range
The range is the distance between you and an ally to pick up their Radar signal
If your Allies Radar is shot off, the enemies will disappear from your map
Radar Jammer:
Will ‘Jam’ the signal of your enemies Radar
Jamming effectivly makes you disappear from your enemies radar intermittently
5 x Levels of Jammer with increasing Jamming Power
More jamming power means you are invisible for longer and only appear on the enemies map for short periods of time
More jammers on your Robot also stack up to give you more jamming power
Higher level Enemy Radar need higher level Jammers to disrupt their signal
I am also happy to introduce the newest member of our Art team Dave!! Give him a big warm welcome, he is the one who worked on the Vapour trails and both the Receiver and jammer cubes!!
この一番新しいメンバーを紹介できて私は大変幸せだよ。アートチームのデイブ!!彼を暖かく迎えてあげてくれ、彼は Vapour trail とレシーバー、ジャマーキューブの両方で仕事をしてくれたんだ。
Today is the release of Robocraft’s next cosmetic item, The Vapour Trail Cube
今日は、ロボクラフトで次の装飾アイテムがリリースされたよ。「The Vapour Trail」キューブだ。
There are two types of Vapour Cubes:
「Vapour Trail」キューブには二つのタイプがある:
– Vapour Trail L1 that has a single line of Vapour and costs 750GC.
Vapour Trail L1 は1本線の Vapour で、値段は 750GC。
– Vapour Trail L2 that has two lines of vapour and costs 1600GC.
Vapour Trail L2 は2本線の Vapour で、値段は 1600GC
Add it anywhere on your Robot and watch a cool stream of vapour follows in your path. This is a cool cosmetic item that we at Freejam really enjoy. Special thanks to Dave, our new Art Jammer for making this great looking cube!
君のロボット上のどこにでも追加することができ、君が通った後にクールな蒸気の流れが見れるよ。このクールな装飾アイテムを Freejam は本当に楽しんでる。僕らの新しい Art Jammer (芸術担当)がこの素晴らしい見た目のキューブを作ってくれたんだ。ありがとう Dave !