It’s Sneaky Peek Tuesday – introducing the Rail Cannon with Indivisible Atom Smashing Technology
火曜日の覗き見の時間 – 原子レベルで破壊するテクノロジーレールキャノンの紹介
Here are the upcoming L5 Rail Cannon features:
L5 レールキャノンについて:
- All variants of the Rail Cannon are significantly longer than their respective Laser Cannon cousins, thus it’s movement is restricted – it will tilt 30° up, 10° down and pan left to right through 60°
- It’s designed to be fired from a stationary position which gives it extreme accuracy, shooting from the hip is possible in an emergency but we don’t recommend it.
- You will be able to zoom the camera with this weapon so its range is very long.
- The Rail Cannon has Indivisible Atom Smashing Technology which means it will penetrate deep or even all the way through your enemies.
- Slow reload time will prevent you from spraying the enemy and ensure you pick your shots carefully.
全てのタイプのレールキャノンは、今までの全てのレーザーキャノンの仲間りより明らかに長砲身で、その動きは制限されている – 上方向に30℃、下方向に10℃、左右に60℃傾く。