I’m getting “User does not exist” error when I try to login in game
ログインしようとすると「User does not exist」というエラーがでるんだけど。
- If you haven’t validated your e-mail address, please complete your forum registration by confirming your email address. Your email will be confirmed once the “Confirm Email” Button is clicked in the email we sent you. This step is needed to be able to login into the forum.
- Log into the forum \ website.
- While logged in, follow this link to attempt your account creation again.
- if this still fails please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@freejamgames.com.
もしメールアドレスの確認をしていないなら、あなたのメールアドレスからフォーラム登録の承認を完了させてください。私たちが送ったあなたのアドレスに送ったメールにある「Confirm Email」ボタンがクリックされるとメールアドレスが承認されます。
もし、これでもまだ失敗する場合、ためらわずにへ info@freejamgames.com コンタクトしてください。
Having trouble logging into the website or forum?
NOTE: You do not need to login to the website to play the game, to play, just load the game
If you are trying to log into the website to access the forums, so the following:
If you registered before 1st March 2014?
- The only way to get a website \ forum account is to register again. This will create a new game account and a forum account at the same time. You can then continue using your old game account for the game and the new account for the forums.
If you registered after 1st March 2014?
- Please check your email for an activation email sent to you.
- Click on the “Confirm Email” button to complete your forum registration.
- You must have a validated email to access the game forums.
「Confirm Email」ボタンをクリックしてフォーラムへの登録を完了させてください。
Don’t have the validation email from us?
- Please check your spam/junk folders as emails can be there.
- Click this link to resend the authorization email.
Help, my cubes are pink
we currently do not support graphic cards that do not support Shader Model 3.0. We also know that some old cards that are supposed to support SM3.0 have issues with Robocraft. It’s in our plan to try to fix this issue.
現在の所、シェーダーモデル 3.0 のグラフィックカードノサポートはできません。私たちはSM3.0(シェーダーモデル3.0)をサポートするいくつかの古い(グラフィック)カードがロボクラフトで問題になる事を把握してます。私たちのプランでは、この問題を修復しようという事になってます。
I cannot connect, I see “Connecting to server…” but it never goes away
接続できない。「Connecting to server…」と表示されてるけど、そのまま消えないんだ。
This issue can be caused by several things:
- Some public place firewalls won’t allow the game connection. So do not be surprised if the game won’t work if you try to play at school for example
- If you have a router, you need to check your settings; it’s possible your router is firewalling not standard ports that Robocraft uses.
- If you have a software firewall (like Norton AV) you need to be sure that is allowing the game connection.
- If you play behind a proxy, it is possible that the proxy does not allow the game port connection.
if you are 100% sure that your firewall/antivirus/router/proxy/vpn is not blocking the game ports, then you are one of the 5% of users that unluckily would not be able to play the game for the time being. The reason is that we use a 3rd party service for our cloud technology (which is owned by Yahoo!) and the issue is on their side. In this case it would be useful to run this test http://funny.io/playeriodebugger.swf . However if you get all “success” you are good to go and the problem is elsewhere.
もし、あなたのファイアーウォール/アンチウィルス/ルーター/プロキシ/VPN がゲームのポートをブロックしていないと 100% 確かだった場合、不幸にも今の所ゲームをプレイできない 5% ユーザーの一人という事になります。理由としては、私たちのクラウドテクノロジー(ヤフーが所有してる)にはサードパーティのサービスが使われており、(接続の)問題が彼らの所にあるからです。このケースにおいては、このテストを実行するのが役立ちます。 http://funny.io/playeriodebugger.swf もしあなたが全て「success」で上手く進んだとしたなら、他の所に問題があります。
I get an error saying “Outdated version” when I run the game even if I just updated it
ゲームを起動して、単にアップデートしようとしただけで「Outdated version」ってエラーが出るんだけど
There are two possible causes for this:
- If you closed the launcher in the middle of an update. The solution is to install the launcher again. In doing this, the launcher will re-download the full game and you will be able to continue playing Robocraft.
- If you are an long term user and used an old version of the Launcher and recently updated it. In this case what happens is that your old game is installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\Robocraft\ while you new game is installed in C:\Games\Robocraft\. What happens is that the new launcher updates the game under C:\Games\Robocraft\ but when you hit your Robocraft shortcut it runs the old game in \Program Files. To solve it delete the version in \Program Files and make a short cut to the Robocraft.exe in C:\Games\Robocraft
もしあなたが長い期間のユーザーで、古いバージョンのランチャーを使っている場合は、ランチャーをアップデートしてください。この場合は何が起きるかというと、古いゲームは C:\Program Files (x86)\Robocraft\ の下にインストールされ、新しいゲームは C:\Games\Robocraft\ にインストールされます。新しいランチャーは C:\Games\Robocraft\ のゲームをアップデートしますが、ロボクラフトのショートカットをクリックした時は、\Program Filesにある古いゲームが起動します。これを解決する為には \Program Files にある古いバージョンを削除し、C:\Games\Robocraft にある Robocraft.exe へのショートカットを作ってください。
I purchased some Galaxy Cash but the balance did not update right away
いくらかギャラクシーキャッシュ(Galaxy Cash)を購入したんだけど、残高が直ぐにアップデートしない。
Robocraft uses a very reliable and secure 3rd party service (owned by Yahoo!) to manage all transactions for Galaxy Cash. It is not possible for your money to be taken without your balance of Galaxy Cash being added. We have secure and complete logs of all transactions and can verify the state of transactions at all stages so you can be assured, if you pay money to support Robocraft by buying Galaxy Cash, you will get your Galaxy Cash.
The service we use for these transactions can sometimes take a few seconds to update the balance and report it to our servers. On rare occasions this can take as long as 10 minutes, but this is very rare.
If ever you have any concerns about Galaxy Cash payments or transactions you have made, please contact Freejam directly and we will respond quickly (within 24 hours at the longest) via this Contact Form.
もし、今までにギャラクシーキャッシュの支払いや処理に関しての心配になった事が何かあるのならば、どうか、Freejam へ直接コンタクトしてください、直ぐに(遅くても24時間以内に)私たちが対応します。このコンタクトフォームへ
The game seems to take forever on ‘Loading Assets…’ after I login
ログインした後に「Loading Assets…」の所でゲームが止まってるみたいなんだけど。
Users that have had this issue have reported having two network cards in their PC and disabling one of them has fixed the issue. Other users reported the software Hamachi to be the cause of the problem, since it creates a second virtual network card.
When I enter battle I just see a Pilot Seat and the rest of my Robot is missing
This normally happens when a user accidentally deletes the cube directly underneath the Pilot Seat. Since no cubes are connected to the seat the remainder of the Robot stays in the Mothership when the Pilot is teleported to the planet surface. You need to make sure that all parts of the Robot you want to appear in battle are connected to your Pilot Seat.
When I enter battle the countdown gets stuck on ‘?’ and the battle never begins
This normally happens when your router is blocking incoming ports from our battle servers (which is different than Robocloud). To fix the issue:
通常、あなたのルータが私たちの戦闘用のサーバー(ロボクラウドとは違う)からの incoming port をブロックしているときに起きます。この問題を直す為には:
- Configure your router to allow the incoming post ranging from 2500-2520
- Here is a link to the information on how to configure ports on a netgear router – Netgear Router Port Configuration
- Here is a YouTube video on how to configure ports on a router – YouTube Configuring a Netgear Router
あなたのルーターの設定で incoming post の 2500-2520 の範囲を許可してください。
ここに netgear router 上でどうやってポートの設定をするかの情報のためのリンクがあります。 – Netgear Router Port Configuration
ここにどうやってルーターのポートの設定をするか youtube の動画があります。 – YouTube Configuring a Netgear Router
I get the error “Error loading the game files from your HD”
「Error loading the game files from your HD」っていうエラーがでるんだけど
This normally happens when a user closes the game launcher in the middle of a download or update of the game client. To fix this, uninstall the game, then download the game launcher from the website front page, and then re-install the launcher. This will force the launcher to download the latest version of the game client again. Be careful not to close the launcher during the download.
NB: Your account data and Robots are safely stored in Robocloud so you won’t lose any by uninstalling and re-installing the game.
My Robot drives forwards on its own
Users who have gamepads or joysticks installed and attached to their computer have reported this issue. Some users have fixed the issue by unplugging the gamepad or joystick, others have fixed it by disabling the device driver for the gamepad or joystick.
My issue is not listed here, now what do I do?
First check out the Technical Support forum. There are many posts from users having issues that may be similar to yours. Maybe if you post a new topic one of the Honorary Jammers may help you. If all else fails please follow these instruction in ‘How to report bugs to Freejam‘.
始めに、フォーラムのテクニカルサポートをチェックしてみてください。そこには沢山の問題を持ったユーザーからの投稿があります。あなたの問題に似ているものがあるかもしれません。もしあなたが新しいトピックを投稿したら、名誉ある(ボランティアの的な意味) Jammer 達の一人があなたを助けてくれるかもしれません。全てダメだった倍は、次の指示に従ってください「どうやって Freejam へバグレポートをするか」。