

As a fantastic new benefit to Premium users we are offering 1 week ‘Early Access’ to all new cubes prior to their full release. We hope that by offering this exclusive benefit that more of you will become premium users and help support the development of Robocraft.


This new Premium benefit will start with the Radar Jammer and Radar Receiver cubes which are planned for release Tuesday next week.

Don’t worry though, if you don’t intend to buy Premium just yet, all cubes will become available to all users just one week after the premium launch.



Vapour Trail キューブ

Today is the release of Robocraft’s next cosmetic item, The Vapour Trail Cube
今日は、ロボクラフトで次の装飾アイテムがリリースされたよ。「The Vapour Trail」キューブだ。

There are two types of Vapour Cubes:
「Vapour Trail」キューブには二つのタイプがある:

– Vapour Trail L1 that has a single line of Vapour and costs 750GC.
Vapour Trail L1 は1本線の Vapour で、値段は 750GC。

– Vapour Trail L2 that has two lines of vapour and costs 1600GC.
Vapour Trail L2 は2本線の Vapour で、値段は 1600GC

Add it anywhere on your Robot and watch a cool stream of vapour follows in your path. This is a cool cosmetic item that we at Freejam really enjoy. Special thanks to Dave, our new Art Jammer for making this great looking cube!
君のロボット上のどこにでも追加することができ、君が通った後にクールな蒸気の流れが見れるよ。このクールな装飾アイテムを Freejam は本当に楽しんでる。僕らの新しい Art Jammer (芸術担当)がこの素晴らしい見た目のキューブを作ってくれたんだ。ありがとう Dave !
